Tuesday, December 23, 2008

survey call? ya rite

one incident happened recently tat made me all riled up. there was this guy who called me from a private number while i was outside eating dinner.

he had claimed that he was calling on behalf of Breast Cancer Foundation for a survey, and that i just need to answer a few questions.

I ask him outright how am i supposed to know if he is telling the truth as he is calling me from a private number. he replied that they were supposed to remain annoymous(BULL!!!!!!SHIT!!!!!)

anyway i told him i am not doing the survey(who knows wat he would ask) because there is no way for him to verify, and so tats the end of tat.

and so i called up the Breast Cancer Foundation office to check yesterday. firstly the staff told me they do not use guys to conduct surveys, then i could heard her sniggering on the phone when i came to the part abt the guy explaining he had to remain annoymous.

so ladies, next time if u ever encounter such a call, please tell him with confidence to go eat shit.


Anonymous said...

wow~!!!! Interesting encounter but I'm sure it was mainly frustrating...
chill gal~!

~Miss K

Anonymous said...

but then again..... what are the questions asked??? you dunno if they're indecent right...??? =p

Jasmine Lee said...

well..coming from "breast cancer foundation", it would have to be something along tat subject? tats my guess. :D