Sunday, July 26, 2009

Change of plans?

All too fast and its sunday again. Next time I wanna be a tai-tai k?

Syl is planning her birthday celebration on next Sun which clashes with my colleagues planned outing to Sentosa.

So it leaves me with a dilemma, so to speak.

Not a huge one though.

Long time friends are more important and much as I want to try hanging out with my colleagues, I can't really see myself playing beach volleyball in the sun. In a sheltered area, yes.

The sun, the sand, and the sand is not me le..but replace sun with that's a romantic notion to consider.

Slathering myself with sunblock, hiding from the glare of the sun behind an umbrella, hat and sunglasses vs sitting on the sand, bathing in the moonlight rays and singing my heart out to the sea..or singing a duet with someone else. Hehe.

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