Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Happy Birthday

I came in to office in the morning and discovered to my horror, I am actually slated for the afternoon shift. Oh SHIT..........................................................

So now I am supposed to work until 9pm cos my mgr is not giving me any leeway.
Shall I look on the positive side? Like finally having enough time to update my blog...

Today is a special day. My dad's birthday.

I still remember, but for how many years more?

I just went through my old blog posts the same time last year, and I guess, things does get easier the second time round. It doesn't get alot easier, but yes, I know there is a time to tear and a time to mend. Like now....

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you


1 comment:

DD said...

You will always remember this special day of the month in your heart :)