Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Cell Group since eons ago..

Sun - Talked to Eric on msn until morning. He is nice to chat to, especially since we both need solace. He surprisingly used "intriging" and "cool" to describe me. Shocking rite? But it made me happy la, hehe.

So in the end I went down to C's cell group in the morning without catching a wink. It was due long, long ago as I had told her before I will go down to "support" her. It's quite some time I met so many new people and I was quite shy. Din talk much to them but I am sure they are all nice people, AND young to boot. The prize of youth..

It's light years that I since went to a cell group and its kinda strange and weird. I am not sure what to do with my hands, or whether should I close my eyes? One of the worship song lyrics caught my eye. it goes something like "i want to know u more, the greatest thing in my life is meeting you". It was striking to me because I was just thinking, if people really mean it. It's just lyrics, sure, but if you really sing it fervantly, are you prepared to know Him fervantly as well? In your actions, are you really doing ur best to get to know God better as compared to lip service. Its a coincidence that the message for that day was sort of related as well.

Cause just like when you love a person, you want to understand everything about him. What are his fav movies, his fav songs that he listens when he is down, why does he act the way he do, what exactly is going on in his mind, what makes him tick. Everything. And so I read up on psychology intensively, just to get a glimpse of what he might be. It's not till Eric pointed out to me that I realized it as well.

So same thing, if u can worship and praise God fervantly, there must be actions that complement this as well. Say only things you mean. If you don't mean it, then don't say it. And if you mean it, then dare to say it! (but only if its something good k?) This applies to all areas of life.

You Are 20% Girly

Um... you're a guy, right? If not, you're the most boyish girl in the world.

And for you, that's probably the ultimate compliment.

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