Sunday, November 30, 2008
The earliest christmas present ever
Well well, it's certainly the earliest christmas present i have ever received...more on tat later. Still trying to get used to the screen as its wide-screen and not the square screen i have grown accustomed to. Happy happy.....
visit to doc again
Been feeling like an idiot sometimes at work..since i cun hear properly with my blocked ear and had to get people to repeat what they are saying sometimes. otherwise i try to pretend i understand cos its a hassle to keep askin people to repeat. doc say it might be due to one of the throat tubes linked to the ear that's causing i need to moniter for a few more days if it will clear up.
also doc refer me to get an x-ray of my chest to confirm its nothing serious. so i have to go down to another place to get the x-ray done..again he wanted to give me an mc tomlo n also for me to take the x-ray tomlo, but i dun tink there is any rush i postphoned to wed.
my family will be in msia tomlo for holiday, too bad i cun join in...tried to get my sis to delay the dates but she checked and there are no dates available. and i cun go cos i have to finish up some work stuff and give the status by wed. too bad lo, i am disappointed but too, too bad. :(
Monday, November 24, 2008
Love (from Captain Corelli's Mandolin)
"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then
subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out
whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable
that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not
breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of
eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince
ourselves we are.
Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away,
and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we
had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty
blossom had fallen from our branches, we found that we were one tree and not
Sunday, November 23, 2008
bro's bd..Happy birthday to u~
my baby niece has gone back to msia for a wk, wondering if she still recognizes us when she comes back..or just stare at us blankly.
been out 4 days of the wk with a certain someone...mostly just for dinner. he's been going on abt how i dunno how to take care of myself blah blah..which he has a point. but its nice to have someone to care for me.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
visit to docter
Sunday, November 16, 2008
my personal drawers
Some of the stuff:
1. A christmas card dated last year
2. A pen and journal that i bought early this year. Only two entries were penned inside, after i discovered how horrible my handwriting was. And it doesn't seem very "pro" to keep striking off words after mispelling it.
3. An old wallet my sis bought for me.
4. Another little notebook with pen tat i used to pen my entries in. (hmm...din know i was into this)
5. A empty angbow packet with birthday greetings written by another one of my aunts. (frm my bd last yr. )
6. The previous hp accessory strap that was tored out during a bd party some mths back.
7. A pair of movie tickets dated last year.
Some other weird stuff i found in my other drawers:
8. A little plastic bag filled with Barbie clothes. *gasp*
9. A little plastic bag with little soft toys INCLUDING Barbie herself. *GASP*
10. Some bags that i never saw before and not even mine. (what are they doing in my room? plus the many other stupid things in my room that dun belong to me but take up space, courtesy of my mum)
11. A sorta UFO looking room lamp that throws different lights all over the room. Tats one of the bd gifts from my 21st bd i supposed? I really hope its usuable, cos i really like it. But somehow everytime i put it in my room, my mum would store it away somewhere without telling me. I already suspected long ago that she used to snoop around in my drawers without letting me know. And it's a fact i alry confirmed long ago as well..i supposed tats y i haven been touching my drawers tat "supposedly" contains my personal stuff. For one thing, some of the things i remember putting in are not inside, for another, i find the most ridiculous things i dun even remember putting in inside. It's disgusting, i dun even find it a point to talk to her abt it..much more asking her where did my other personal stuff go to....bcos for her, there is no such a thing as privacy. Wish there was a place that i can put under lock and key.
Your result for The OkCupid Kissing Test...
The Traditionalist
You are 41% Passionate, 58% Romantic, and 47% Experienced!
Ah, the Traditionalist. You like your romance old-school, and there's something really refreshing about that. You're sweet and hopeful, but you also have high standards. You don't have a ton of experience, but you do have an uncanny ability to make your make-out partner feel like the center of the universe, and EVERYONE likes that. Your Romance rating of 58% is pretty high, and the fact that you're 41% Passionate suggests that you're a great kisser who also manages to keep a cool head. This means that when you do find people who meet your standards, you give them the royal treatment. Well played.
You're cautious, thoughtful, and considerate. You value the rituals of courtship and treasure first kisses. You don't kiss too aggressively, and you enjoy tender, affectionate kisses with a long-term partner. The thought of a slobbery make-out with a relative stranger leaves you cold, and when you're in the moment, you're more focused on the quality of your partner than their kissing technique. Because you're so choosy, you haven't had tons of experience, and you're probably cool with that.
Pls. If u r curious, take it HERE.
1st step
Sure, her legs are still wobbly, and the most she can walk/totter is 4 steps before falling into my arms. BUT from being able to stand for a few secs to standing now for a few mins, TATS an achievement too, whoo~~
Full of pride and beaming smiles, tats me.
Your result for What Your Taste in Art Says About You Test...
Non-conformist, Visionary, and Independent
5 Abstract, -16 Islamic, 2 Ukiyo-e, 2 Cubist, -5 Impressionist and -20 Renaissance!
Abstract art uses a visual language of form, color and line to create a composition which exists independently of what may appear to others as visual realities. Western had been underpinned by the logic of perspective and an attempt to reproduce an illusion of visible reality. It allowed the progressive thinking artists to show a different side to the world around them. By the end of the 19th century many artists felt a need to create a 'new kind of art' which would encompass the fundamental changes taking place in technology, science and philosophy. Abstract artists created art that was diverse and reflected the social and intellectual turmoil in all areas of Western culture.
People that chose abstract art as their preferred artform tend to be visionsaries. They see things in the world around them and in people that others may miss because they look beyond what is visual only with the eye. They rely on their inner thoughts and feelings in dealing with the world around them instead of on what they are told they should think and feel. They feel freed from the tendancy to be bound by traditional thought and experiences. They look more toward their own ideas and experiences than what they are told by their religious upbringing or from scientific evidence. They tend to like to prove theories themselves instead of relying on the insight or ideas of others. They are not bound by common and mundane, but like to travel and have new experiences. They value intelligence, but they also enjoy a challenge. They can be rather argumentative when they are being forced or feel as if they are being forced to conform.
Take What Your Taste in Art Says About You Test
Friday, November 14, 2008
Is it possible to learn
How to care and yet not care?
Since love has two faces
Hope and despair
~Joni Mitchell~
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Partyworld at Liang Court
Location: Clarke Quay
Activities: went for a 4hr ktv session at Liang Court Partyworld in the noon. The outlet just opened a few mths ago. Have to say the decor was quite nice..diff from the usual outlets. More classy and same pricing. After dinner, walked ard Clarke Quay as it was nite of Halloween. Saw quite a few people decked in costums(super mario, the usual angel, devils etc). Sat on the bank of the the river watching the scenery n the people who actually have the guts to sit on the reverse bungee jump...and come out of it alive.

Thursday, November 6, 2008
a short update
gonna be attending a wedding tomlo and sun. sat will be a clean-up of my room, with a certain someone helping out. next tues meeting kennedy for dinner, and next sat is someone's bd celebration. hmmm but come to tink of it, i might b going holiday with my family next wkend. better check it out. still trying to sort out my previous posts, arrggh.
a year n 4 now.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Park Outing
After that we proceeded to Cwp for dinner. And surprise surprise! My cousins Wei and Hau stumbled on us at the food court, its like a relatives gathering man...then Ling went hme with them, while me, mum and sis went to NTUC to get some groceries. It's always a good idea to buy groceries when you have a pram.
Wasn't feeling too good and going out made it worse cos when i got back home, i had the feeling of dying and was going ard the hse like a zombie. After some rest, feeling better now. Frens have commented i seem to keep getting sick, but tats just cos i have fully recovered from the last time i was ill la. Been taking cough med n lozenges etc until now.
Shixing and Tyson ask me to go dblo as well, but i dun have the mood to go. Still have to dress up..which i am lazy to do so. No energy, need recharging. Hope they have fun. Was supposed to go down Jesslyn hse cos Keri was there as well, but din go in the end cos my eyes was hurting. I probably will take out the lash extentions tomorrow, its not for low mantainence girls like me. All i wan is to rub my eyes in peace la. And not have my eyes stinging whenever i rinse my face. It bloody hurts ok.
This pond is so murky and the water is caking up...eeewwwww......
Group pic
Both the babie's expression very funny haha
With my cousin Ling( she is only 19!) who is Wanting's mummy.
Me and sister
Wanting stood there for ages looking at that little brown poodle and deciding if to touch it.
Took this pic of Wanting a split second before she fell down on the ground.
Mummy and daughter
Wanting throwing a tantrum.
Walking is good exercise!
An act of generousity....
Baby is seemingly feeling bored..understandable cos she is trapped....
Baby: I can only play with my socks....
Baby: why? Oh Why?!
Looking forelorn
So she did some twiddling with her fingers
Did some stretching
Baby: uggh! uggh! hoi!
And lastly some stretching exercises to lift up her mood.
Baby: this? ha! easy piece of cake.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Being a pacifier
So i tried to distract her by playing hide and seek with her, then she finally allowed me to carry her. But still bo bian have to sing to her. I saty down on the ground with Wanting holding her arms ard my neck tightly and baby just beside looking at us quizzically. So each time i finished a song, i tried to loosen Wanting to sit down on her own and she started to cry and wrapped her arms ard my neck again. Had to sing and sing to pacify her then baby started crying and i have to sing louder so both of them can hear. I felt like an idiot somehow..bocs my mum was doing her chores calmly in the kitchen and my sis was still sleeping in her room. Yet i am stuck with them little people who were abt to cry any momment if i stopped singing..stressed.
Finally my mum came out with some cakes for them to eat and i can escape to the kitchen to have a drink. ~phew~
After Wanting cooled down, she started being a big sister to baby.