Saturday, November 22, 2008

visit to docter

Guess wat? I went to see doc yesterday on the way to work for some ear drops cos i had a blocked ear, and check if i have any ear infection. As an afterthought i ask the doc for some cough med as well, since finally i have a chance to see doc instead of self-medicating on people's leftover med...ahha. Anyway he did a check on my throat and found out i have throat throat was still inflamed. So i was also prescribed antibiotics and given an MC as well. It prob explains y my cough plus the daily on/off sore throat was ongoing for so long ba..been two mths? Well, hoping it can all go away with the dose of antibiotics. Starving...meeting kathy nw for lunch woohoo~


Paul said...

Do take care.

Anonymous said...

U'll be fine after getting used to office hours. I used to have the same problem when i started this office job after almost 4 yrs of doing sales....cos i'm more a night person. kathy

Anonymous said...

doctor also cannot spell