Monday, August 4, 2008

Random pics...

A mexican red knee tarantula..btw its a myth that a tarantula's bite is fatal, a bite will just cost u alot of pain and swelling akin to a bee sting. Most popular choice for pet tarantulas bcos of their gentle nature.

Tats Tag, a barn owl. She is pretty n adorable, with silky smooth feathers to the touch..

One of the red tailed boa constricter..its pretty well fed..

Madagascar hissing cockroachs...wingless, they are the cleanliest species of cockroaches..and the same ones as those eaten by Fear Factor contestants. For eating them, its best to chew them and not just swallow them down..cos they are excellent climbers..and would prob crawl all the way up from ur stomach n out of ur mouth if they are alive...(did anyone just say "yikes"?)

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