Private Distance:
When you're interested in someone you tend to keep a smaller private distance between you and him/her compared to the distance you would otherwise keep while being with others. You will notice that whoever might be interested in you is standing closer to you than to other people.
Smiles that Don’t Fade:
A smile will not fade away quickly if the person is genuinely interested in you (that does not have to be love but worst case scenario, it will be deep interest). Only fake smiles fade away quickly, true smiles stay tend to linger a little longer.
Positive Evaluation:
In body language rubbing your brows with your fingers means that you positively evaluated something.
Calling for No Reason:
Calling you for any trivial reason like asking about something that he/she already knows or by just seeking confirmation to some kind of information. If they were smart enough, they may find a good reason to call you but when the frequency of these calls increases, this usually indicates that there is something behind it.
Smiling while talking to you even if there was no good reason for smiling is another strong sign. In most cases he/she will try to hide the smile so they will appear as if they want to smile but are holding themselves
Orienting himself/herself in your direction even if they were standing with other people. Orienting themselves means that they stand with their shoulders parallel to yours and with their toes pointing towards you. For more information see The body language section
Nice or Cold?
Being very nice one day and ignoring you the other day is one of the strongest signs. The logic behind this is very simple, at the beginning he/she treats you very nicely because they like you but when they go home they realize: “Oh my God, I did show lots of signs today that am interested but I still got no response, tomorrow I should totally ignore him/her.” So when you find someone being nice one day and cold the other day know that the positive signs he/she gave you may be due to positive emotions they hold for you and that the negative signs may just be a way to cover their traces.
Mr./Mrs. Everywhere:
Meeting him/her many times by coincidence is another sign. Of course these are not just coincidences but they may be either changing their schedule to suit yours or they may be going to the places that you usually go to in order to meet you by coincidence.
Your Friends Are Really Nice:
Starting to care more about your friends and becoming more nice to them is a strong sign especially if he/she wasn’t used to caring about them before.
Canceling their other plans in order to see you.
Where Are You?:
Finally the person who loves you will try to keep you within their range of sight and each now and then they will take a look to make sure that you are still there.
You Would Be Voted Most Shy |
![]() You're not exactly known for being a social butterfly. At school, you were content to be an observer. And while you are shy, going to school simply made you shyer. Your friends don't probably think of you as shy. You're happy to talk around the right people! |
You Are Bold When it Counts |
![]() You don't make a big fuss about getting what you want... unless it's really important to you. Then you're as bold as you want to be. You just go for it! You're often up for a little excitement and adventure. Well, as long as the cost isn't too great. You enjoy risk, but not for it's own sake. Let's just say you've learned a few lessons about risk in your life. |
What Your Bed Says About You |
![]() Outward appearances aren't important to you at all. You think that the over emphasis on looks to be shallow. Your life tends to be completely chaotic. You aren't a very organized person, and you tend to be slow in cleaning up messes. You are very low maintenance. You tend to go with the flow, and you're easily pleased. In relationships, you tend to kick back and let the other person be in charge. You tend to be a dreamy, head in the clouds type of person. You think in terms of possibilities. You are a bit of a homebody, but you can also make yourself at home anywhere. |
You Are 55% Kinky |
![]() You are a very kinky person. You are completely open minded about sexuality. You're up for something different from time to time, and you don't have many hang ups. And while you're not into everything, you don't judge people who are. You figure that anything between consenting adults is fair game! |
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