Thursday, September 18, 2008

not fun

saw this post in one of my fren's blog.

"And if 2008 was bad for you like it was for me, there's always 2009, 2010, 2011... and so on, to look forward to. Yeah.. as long as we live, I suppose there is something to perhaps look forward to, no? Otherwise, for what do we live? Gosh.. that is an ongoing question in my mind that I could never answer. Perhaps never will."

he has the same thinking as i do.
this is a really bad year, i hate it.
blogging is not so fun anymore when i can't voice out my thoughts publicly.
il est mon secret que je ne peux parler.


Anonymous said...

I think you need to read this ->


Anonymous said...

The present gives you the opportunity to dive deep into the water of life, or to fly high into the sky of life. But on both the sides there are dangers — ’past’ and ´future´ are the most dangerous words in human language.
The beauty of facing life unprepared is tremendous. Then life has a newness, a youth; then life has a flow and freshness.Then life has so many surprises. And when life has so many surprises boredom never settles in you.

A Friend-Albert :)

Jasmine Lee said...

very profound..hmmm.