So the bd treat shifted to today for lunch. I choose Breeks at Causeway point. Cun remember much of what we ate, but we da bao the rest cos cannot finish...courtesy of my mum who dun like to waste food. My mum n sis went on to watch a movie while I went back home to gather my strength.
Then attended Carrie's bbq organised by her cellgroup cos had alry promised her beforehand that I will go.
Was so shagged...All I can remember eating is a chicken wing cooked especially by Carrie and a hot dog. Oh, and a banana as well. The rest is just nibbling here and there. Had no appetite. Was pleasantly surprised when towards the later part, they whipped up a bd cake which heck I din even noticed until they announced it. And so I had my first bd song....and made my 1st and only bd wish of the year. But so far, none of my bd wishes ever came true, except for that 21st bd... (which involves a bouquet of flowers, and a guy I was secretly crushing on, but..that's another story)
Pics taken at the bbq...thanks to Carrie for her shawl and her cellgroup members...

The bd present frm Carrie....
After that, we took a cab back home. Then I went on to puke in the toilet bowl. Its the bbq smell, I think. Logged into msn...and exactly at midnight(according to him, its at the stroke of midnight, but my clock says 11.59 haha), Secret sent me a bd sms on my msn and hp. I was surprised, happy and touched. Other frens went on to send me bd greetings..thanks to everyone of you who remembered :) ..but he was the first. Guess he had a short term memory and forgotten that the last meet-up ended on a bad, bad note. More likely he had selective memory retention.
He suggested treating me to a bd dinner on Mon or Tues, but wanted me to rest since I am sick and to meet on Fri instead. Din tell him I was going out for dinner anyway..without him. Fact is, I neither habour resentment nor malice to him. Just sometimes irritated n pissed when images of him pop up in my mind like a pesky fly for no reason. Not seeing him was the most sensible thing to do, considering I have not yet mastered the art of indifference. Well...I supposed I can afford to put on an act for a day.
Mon- Met up with Keri, Carrie, Kathy and Kennedy for dinner at Shokudo, then Starbucks for drinks. I had only ask a few people, but in any case, some of them couldn't make it at the last min as they got held up by work. Appreciated the gals who came. And Kennedy is a true fren who has always treated me much better than I do to him. Will give him a big bd present when his turn comes.

Kennedy drove me n Carrie home after that. My family will be waiting for me at home with a birthday cake, as they do every year. However when I reached home, the cake had not yet arrived as my brother was stuck in a traffic jam from JB. So we waited...and waited..n I took some pics of myself to alleviate the boredom...
Birth certificate for teddy..Kennedy bought him at Build-A-Bear Workshop....
And a pic of baby...
My dear bro finally arrived with the bd cake, but it was alry 12.30am. And my bd has passed..oops... Heck it, they still sang the bd song and I still got to cut my cake.
And so it is, just like I thought it would be.
Hi Jasmine Babe!
Am so sorry that I wasn't able to join you for the dinner that day due to work.
Nonetheless, I wanna wish you once again 'Happy Birthday To You! May All Your Wishes & Dreams All Come To Pass!!'
Looks like u enjoyed your bday very much. U look great in the photos.
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